41. |
Second World Renewable Energy Congress, Reading, U.K., Sep. 13-18, 1992. |
42. |
Visit to Royal Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (RONAST) and Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal from Decemeber 10-16, 1992 as UNESCO consultant for advising and formulating project on Energy Education. |
43. |
Visit to University of Khartoum, Khartoum, Sudan during April 4-10, 1993 to deliver 8 lectures in the field of Solar Energy. |
44. |
Visit to Renewable Energy Centre, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh during May 9-14, 1993 as Consultant to UNESCO. |
45. |
Visit to University College of Falun/Borlange, Sweden during June 14-16, 1993 for delivering lectures in Third Int. Symp. on Renewable Energy Education.
46. |
ISES Solar World Congress at Budapest, Hungary, during Aug 23-27, 1993. |
47. |
Int. Workshop on Material Science & Physics of Non-Conventional Energy Sources, Trieste, Italy during 28 Aug. - 12 Sep., 1993. |
48. |
Regional Workshop on Solar Thermal & Photovoltaic Conversion and Rural Energy Planning, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Dec. 16-25, 1993. |
49. |
Second World conference on Solar cookers-Use and Technology, July 12-15, 1994, Costa Rica. |
50. |
World Renewable Energy Congress, Reading, U.K. Sep. 10-18, 1994. |
51. |
United Nations University visit to Colombo, Srilanka, Sep. 25-23, 1994. |
52. |
United Nations University visit to Rangoon, Myanmar, Oct. 17-21, 1994.
53. |
United Nations University visit to Dhaka, Bangladesh, Oct. 21-24, 1994. |
54. |
United Nations University visit to Kathmandu, Nepal, Oct. 24-27, 1994.
55. |
Int. Workshop on Small Power Generation, Rome, Italy, Dec. 10-18, 1994. |
56. |
Course on Water Desalination, Tripoli, Libya, May 21-25, 1995. |
57. |
International workshop on material science and physics of Non-conventional Energy Sources, Sep. 18-Oct. 6, 1995 at Trieste, Italy. |
58. |
Fifth Arabic International Solar Energy Conference, November 13-16, 1995 at Bahrain.
59. |
Visit to University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh, August 3-4, 1996. |
60. |
Visit to University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Dec. 22-26, 1996. |
61. |
Visit to International Centre for theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy as Senior Associate during May 19-30, 1997.
62. |
Visit to Zambia, Kenya and Ethiopia as UNU expert during July 17-25, 1997. |
63. |
Participated and delivered lecture at the National Seminar on Renewable Energy for Poverty alleviation at Dhaka, Bangladesh during Oct. 21-23, 1997. |
64. |
Participated and delivered two lectures at the Sixth Arab International Solar energy conference at Muscat, Oman during March 29 - April 1, 1998. |
65. |
Participated and delivered two lectures at the International Workshop on heating and refrigerating methods in solar buildings at Tehran, Iran during May 18-20, 1998.
66. |
Participated, visited and delivered a lecture at World Renewable Energy Congress, Florence, Rome during Sept. 12-28, 1998. |
67. |
Participated and delivered a lecture at the International conference on role of Renewable energy technology for rural development at Kathmandu, Nepal during Oct. 12-15, 1998. |
68. |
Participated and delivered a lecture at the 7th International Energy Conference and Exhibition (ENERGEX '98) at Manama, Bahrain during Nov. 19-21, 1998. |
69. |
Participated, delivered one lecture and presented two reserach papers in the ISES-1999 Solar World Congress at Jerusalam, Israel during July 4-9, 1999. |
70. |
Participated and delivered an invited lecture in the International Conference on World Solar Cooking and Food processing at Varese, Italy during October 3-6, 1999. |
71. |
Participated and delivered an invited lecture and also chaired a session in the International seminar on Renewable Energy for Poverty Alleviation at Dhaka, Bangladesh during November 26-27, 1999. |
72. |
Delivered 16 lectures on solar thermal systems to the students of a course on Solar Thermal Engineering at Dalarna University, Borlange, Sweden during Jan. 17-22, 2000. |
73. |
Participated and delivered an invited lecture in the conference on SAARC Renewable Energy for sustainable development at Colombo, Srilanka during June 12-14, 2000. |
74. |
Participated, delivered one invited lecture and presented three research papers in the World Renewable Energy Congress at Brighton, U.K. during July 1-7, 2000. |
75. |
Participated and delivered one invited lecture on Solar Cookers in the International Conference on Solar Cookers, Kimberley, South Africa, during Nov. 26 - 29, 2000.
76. |
Delivered 12 lectures on Solar Energy Technologies to the students of a course on Solar Thermal Engineering at Dalarna University, Borlange, Sweden during January 20 - 27, 2001. |
77. |
Participated and delivered a lecture and chaired a technical session in the UNDP/TWNSO/ICTP Workshop on promoting best practices Renewable Energy Technologies, Trieste, Italy during Oct. 7-10, 2002. |
78. |
Participated and delivered two lectures and chaired a technical session in the International Workshop on “Physics for Renewable Energy” at Trieste, Italy during Oct. 17-30, 2005. |
79. |
Participated and delivered an invited lecture in the UNESCO meeting “Enhancing the technical and managerial capacity in renewable energy through e-learning courses in Asia” during Oct. 19-21, 2006 at Jakarta, Indonesia. |
80. |
Participated and delivered two invited lectures during the SEE Forum meeting and International Symposium towards harmonious coexistence within human and ecological community on the planet during Nov. 21-24, 2006 at Bangkok, Thailand. |
81. |
Participated and delivered a plenary lecture during the International Workshop on “Science for Renewable Energy” at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy during Jan. 15-19, 2007. |
82. |
Participated and delivered two invited lectures during the SEE Forum meeting and 21 COE Symposium on Sustainable Energy at Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan during March 11-13, 2007.
83. |
Participated and delivered a keynote lecture during the Asia Regional Workshop on “Solar cooking and food processing” at Kathmandu, Nepal during April 15-17, 2007. |
84. |
Participated and delivered two invited keynote lectures during the SEE Forum Network meeting and 5th Eco-Energy and Material Science and Engineering Symposium at Pattaya, Thailand during Nov. 22-25, 2006. |
85. |
Participated and delivered an invited lecture during the ASEAN COST & New Energy Forum and SEE Forum conference at Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan during May 24-27, 2008. |